At Healthylive , We used following therapies to help to solved your diseases :
1- Accupressure
3- HypnoTherapy
4- QuatumTouch
5- Reiki
Accupresure: Accupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. .View More ...
Hypno Brithing : HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. The concept of HypnoBirthing is not new, but rather a "rebirth" of the philosophy of birthing as it existed thousands of years ago and as it was recaptured in the work of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English obstetrician, who, in the 1920s, was one of the first to forward the concept of natural birthing View More...
Hypno Therapy : Hypnotherapy - Compliment Therapy using hypnosis for various challenges (Physical, Mental, Emotional, etc).The term "hypnosis" comes from the Greek word hypnos, meaning "sleep." Hypnotherapists use exercises that bring about deep relaxation and an altered state of consciousness, also known as a trance. View More...
Quantum Touch : If you have been living with chronic backache or knee pain or neck and shoulder pain, there is help close at hand. Even those with misaligned spine, hip bones and shoulder blades View More...
Reiki : Reiki, the energy healing system, is based on the belief that thoughts have the power to direct energy—the underlying dynamo shaping the world. View More...
Chakra : According to many ancient traditions, every human being contains chakras or spinning disks of color and light, throughout and around their body. Of these chakras, 7 contain the energies that are intrinsically connected with every aspect of our lives. The chakras relate to the body, mind and feelings, as well as the patterns that dominate our lives. Each chakra governs different feelings, body parts and states of mind. These affect who we are in the world and what we attract into our lives View More...
Birth into Being : When parents create a new baby in full awareness of the effect their actions and thoughts have on their unborn child, humankind is given another chance to thrive. The quality of our life is defined, first of all, by the quality of attention and love received while we are still in our mother's womb! View More...
for Guidelines and Treatment of your Health Diseases via Acupressure.