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Mantras : Rituals, Prayers, Attitude
There is nothing wrong with rituals.In fact the rituals make this Dharma great. So do prayers.Just take the example of penicillin. If you have a headache and you take penicillin, it is overkill. You have to take specific medicines for specific ailments. Like that, you have specific prayers for specific occasions. If you have an eye problem, I can invoke Ishwara as a Devata presiding over eyes.
There is only Ishwara but there are different manifestations. It also depends onhow we see them. There are eyes your eyes, my eyes, eyes of owl, lizard etc. Not all see it the same way.
That is why Indian rituals are the greatest. The Vedic rituals are not ordinary. Everything is a form, your language is a form, namaste is a form, your dress is a form.
We need to have healthy attitudes. Attitudes really help us. You know 90% of our problems can be attributed to improper attitudes. Because when I have to put up with situations that are unpleasant, I murmur, I become violent, angry, sad. But we have to face it calmly, dispassionately. We require composure and self-respect that can accommodate human limitations and address them Accommodation does not mean you do not respect, accommodation is you don't condemn the people, at the same time you address the limitations of the people, correct them, help them, you correct yourself, learning from situations.
So, this is what is required: Attitude.
Attitude comes from understanding. Like your attitude towards money is to understand what exactly is money. For us money is Lakshmi - without looking down upon it. And we don't look at Her as everything. There is also Saraswathi. She is playing veena. She does not care whether you come to her or not. But she knows that Lakshmi won't do much to you, unless you have Saraswathi.
So, healthy attitudes will help us. That's what spirituality is. That means we have to understand Ishwara. We have to understand 'Karma' and 'Karma Phala'.
Swami Dayanda Saraswati, ArshaVidya
Invocation to Lord Ganesh Before Starting Any Activity
Vakra-Tunda-Mahakaaya, Surya-Koti-Sam-Prabhah. Nirvighnam-Kuru-Me-Deva, Subha-Karyeshu-Sarvadaa.
O elephant headed and large bodied Lord, radiant as a thousand Suns, I
ask for your grace so that this task that I am starting may complete
without any hindrances.
New Year Greetings
Surya Samvednapushpayeh Deeptih Karunyagandhane, Labdhva Shubham Navvarshesmin Kuryatsarvasya mangalam.
As the sun gives light, sensibility brings compassion, flowers give pleasant fragrance, may the new year be auspicious
Guru Mantra
Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshvara Gurur Shashaath Para-Brahma Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah
I prostrate to that Sri Guru, who is himself Brahma, Vishnu, and God
Maheshvara, and who is verily the Supreme Absolute itself.
Tvameva Mata Cha Pita Tvameva
Tvameva Bandhuscha Sakha Tvameva
Tvameva Vidya Dravinam Tvameva
Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva
O Lord! Thou art my mother and Thou art my father also;
Thou art my relative and my friend Thou art;
Thou art knowledge and wealth unto me;
Thou art my all-in-all, O Lord of Lords.
Early Morning Prayers
Karaagre Vasate Lakshmeeh, Karmadhye Saraswatee.
Karamoole tu Govindah, Prabhaate kara darshanam.
The front of hands (i.e. finger tips) is ascribed to Laxmi (Goddess of
wealth), the middle of the hands to Saraswati, and the root (i.e. part of
hands near to the wrist) to Govinda. Therefore, every morning one should
respectfully have a look at one’s hands (which symbolizes honest labor).
Samudra vasane Devi, parvata stana mandale
Vishnupatni namastubhyam, Paada sparsha kshamasvame.
O! Mother Earth, who has the ocean as clothes and mountains
and forests on her body, who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, I bow to
you. Please forgive me for touching you with my feet.
Daily Prayers
Lighting the Lamp
Shubham karoti kalyanam aarogyam dhanasampada,
Shatru buddhivinashaaya deepajyotir namostute.
I salute the One who is the lamplight, that brings auspiciousness,
prosperity, good health, abundance of wealth, and the destruction
of the intellect’s enemy.
While Taking a Bath
Gange cha Yamune chaiva Godavari Saraswati,
Narmade Sindhu Kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru.
In this water, I invoke the presence of holy waters from the rivers
Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and
Before Starting Your Studies
Saraswati namastubhyam, Varde kaamaroopini,
Vidyaarambham karishyami, Siddhirbhavatu me sada.
O Goddess Saraswati, salutations to you, the giver of boons, the one who
fulfills all desires. I begin my studies. May there always be
accomplishments for me.
Night Prayer
Kara Charana kritam vaak kaayajam karmajam vaa
Shravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa (a) praadham
Vihitamvihitam vaa savametat kshmasva
Jaya jaya karunaabdhe Shree Mahadeva Shambho
Oh Lord kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly,
either through my organs of action (hand, feet, speech) or through my
organs of perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee O Lord,
who is the ocean of kindness.
Surya Namaskar Mantra
Om Mitraaya Namah, Om Ravaye Namah,
Om Suryaaya Namah, Om Bhaanave Namah,
Om Khagaaya Namah, Om Pushne Namah,
Om Hiranya-garbhaaya Namah, Om Mariche Namah,
Om Savitre Namah, Om Aarkaaya Namah,
Om Aadityaaya Namah, Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah.
Om Shree Savitrisoorya Narayanaaya Namah.
Salutations to Him who is my friend. Salutations to Him who is the cause for change.
Salutations to Him who propels everyone into activity. Salutations to Him who is in the
form of light. Salutations to Him who moves in the Sky. Salutations to Him who
nourishes all. Salutations to Him who contains everything. Salutations to Him who
possesses rays. Salutations to Him who is the son of Aditi. Salutations to Him who
produces everything. Salutations to Him who is fit to be worshipped. Salutations to Him who is the cause of luster.
Bhojan Mantra
Yantu Nadayo Varshantu Parjanyaah, Supippalaa Oshadhayo Bhavantu,
Annavataam Odanavataam Amikshyavataam, Eshaam Raaja Bhuuyaasam
Odanmudbruvate. Parameshtii Vaa Eshah Yadodanah.
Paramaamevainam Shriyam Gamayati.
Maa Bhraata Bhraataran Dwikshan, Maa Swasaaramutaswasaa,
Samyancha Savrataa Bhuutvaa, Vaacham Vadata Bhadrayaa
Brahmarpranam Brahma havir Brahmagnau Brahmana hutam
Brahmaiva tena gantavyam Brahma karma samaadhinaa
Any process of offering is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, the
instrument of offering is Brahman, the fire to which the offering is
made is also Brahman. For such a one who abides in Brahman,
by him Brahman alone is reached.
Aham Vaish-vaanaro Bhutvaa, Praaninaam Deham-aashritah,
Praanaa-paana-Samaayuktah, Panchaany-anam, Chatur-vidham.
Om sahanavvatu saha nau bhunaktu, saha veeryam karavaavahai
Tejasvinavadhitamastu ma vidvisha vahai
Om shantih, shantih shantih
Prayer to Mother Shakti
Ya Devi Sarva-bhuteshu, Shakti-rupenu-sansthitaa,
Namastasyae, Namastasyae, Namastasyae, Namaho-namah.
O Mother, who is present everywhere, who is the embodiment of Power and Energy, I
bow to you, I bow to you, I bow to you.
Prayer to Mother Gauri
Sarva managala mangalyai shive sarvartha sadhike
Sharanye trayambake gauri naaraayani namo-stute
Adorations to Goddess who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious, who is the
consort of Lord Shiva, who is the bestower of every desire of one’s heart. Adorations to
You O Devi, I have taken refuge in you.
Prayer to Mother Saraswati
Ya Devi Stuyate Nityam Vibhuhairvedaparagaih
SaMe Vasatu Jihvagre Brahmarupa Saraswati
Sarasvati, the Goddes of Knowledge, who is praised by the wise who have mastered the
Sastra, who is the wife of the Creator, may she live on the tip of my tongue.
Prayer to Ma Lakshmi
namastestu mahaa maaye, shripeete surapoojite
shanka chakra gadaa haste, mahaa Lakshmi namostu te
Salutations to you, O Mahalakshmi, who is all powerful, who is the seat of
wealth, and who is worshipped by the Gods and who has a conch, a disc
and a mace in her hands.
Prayer to Mother Durga
Durge smritaa harast bheetimashesha-jantoh, Swasthyaih smritaa
matimeeva shubhaam dadaasi, Daaridrya duhkha bhayahaarinee kaa
twadanyaa, Sarvopakaara karanaaya sadaardra-chitta.
O Mother Durga, whoever remembers you during a difficult situation, is
freed of all forms of fear. When called to the mind by those who are in a
healthy condition, You grant them a pure intellect. Who is there but you –
the dispeller of poverty, pain and fear. Whose heart is ever compassionate
for doing good to everyone.
Prayer to Lord Shiva
Om, Trayambakam-Yajaamahe-Sugandhim-Pushti-Vardhanam,
Urvarukam-iva Bandhanan-Mrityoram-Ukshiya-Maamritaat.
I worship the fragrant three-eyed one who nourishes all beings; grant me liberation in
the same manner as a ripe cucumber naturally severs itself from the vine.
Karpura-gauram Karunaavataaram Samsaar Saaram Bhujagendra-haram, Sadaa
Vasantam Hridyaarvinde Bhavan Bhawaani Sahitam Namami
He who is fair like camphor, who is ever compassionate, by whose being the entire
universe exists, around whose neck there is a garland of serpents, may he always live in
my heart along with Bhavani, his consort. I bow down to him.
Vande devam umaapatim suragurum vande jagatkaaranam,
Vande pannaga bhooshanam mrigadharam vande pashoonaam patim.
Vande soorya shashaanka vahninayam vande mukunda priyam,
Vande bhaktajanaashrayam cha varadam vande shivam shankaram
Adorations to the Lord of Godess Uma, Adorations to the cause of the universe.
Adorations to the one who holds a deer (mind) in his hand, the Lord of the Pashus
(souls in bondage), who has the Sun, moon and fire for his eyes, the beloved of Lord
Mukunda. Adorations to him who is the refuge of His devotee, the giver of all boons, the
all auspicious doer of all that is good.
Prayer to Lord Shiva
Shri Gurubhyo Namah, Harihi Om, Shambhave Namah,
Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya, Namaste astu bhagavan visveshvaraya Mahadevaya Tryambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikalagnikalaya Kalagnirudraya Neelkanthaya Mrityunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Srimanmahadevaya namah.
Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya Mritryora Me Pahi, Sada Shivo.
Salutations to Thee, O Lord, the Master of the universe, the great Lord, the three-eyed one, the destroyer of Tripura, the extinguisher of the Trikala fire and the fire of death, the blue necked one, the victor over death, the Lord of all, the ever auspicious one, the glorious God of Gods.
Prayer to Lord Mahavir
Mahaamohaantaka prashamana paraakasmik bhishak,
Niraapekshee bandhur-vdita mahimaa mangalakarah.
Sharanyah saadhoonaam bhava-bhaya bhritaamuttam guno,
Mahaveer swaamee nayana pathagaamee bhavatu nah.
Prayer to Lord Ganesh
Shuklaambaradaram Vishnum, Sashivarnum chaturbhujam,
Prasannavadanam dhyayet, Sarva vighnopashantaye.
Lord Ganesh, who wears a white garment, who is all-pervading, who has
a bright complexion, who has four arms, who has an ever smiling face,
upon that God, I meditate for removal of all obstacles
Prayer to Lord Subrahmanya
Gyan-shkatidhar skand valle kalyana sundara,
Devasenaa manah kannta kaartikeya namo-stute
Adorations to Lord Kartikeya who is know as Skanda, who holds the staff of wisdom, who is the beautiful beloved of Goddess Valle, Who is the enchanter of the mind of Goddess Devasena, to that Divine Kartikeya I offer adorations again and again.
Prayer to Lord Vishnu
Kaayena Vaachaa Mansendri-yairvaa, Budhyat-manaa Vaa Prakriteh Svabhaavaat Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai, Narayana-yeti Samarpayami
I dedicate everything to that supreme Lord Narayana; whatever I perform with my body, speech, mind, limbs, intellect or my inner self either intentionally or unintentionally.
Shaantaakaaram Bhujagshaynam Padmanaabham Suresham,
Vishvaadhaaram Gagan Sadrisham Meghavaranam Shubhangam.
Lakshmi-kaantam Kamal-nayam Yogibhir-dhyan-gamyam,
Vande Vishnu Bhav-bhaya-haram Sarva-lokaika Naatham
I adore Lord Vishnu who is the embodiment of peace, who lies on the Shesha serpent, whose navel is the source of the Lotus, whose complexion is swarthy like the clouds, whose body shines with heavenly beauty, who is the beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, whose eyes are like lotus, who is meditated upon by the yogis, who is the remover of the fear of he world-process.
Prayer to Lord Vishnu
NamassamstaBhutaanaam AditBhutaya Bhubhrate,
Anekaruparupaya, Vishnave Prabhavishnave.
Salutations to the Lord Vishnu, who is the creator of all beings, the sustainer of the creation, whose form is all forms, who is all pervasive, and who is self-effulgent.
Prayer to Lord Krishna
Vasudeva-sutam Devam Kamsa-chaanura-mardanam.
Devaki-parmanandam Krishnam-vande-Jagadagurm
I bow to you O Krishna, the Supreme Guru, Son of Devaki and Vasudeva, the remover of Kamsa and Chanur.
Akashataat patitam toyam yathaa gacchati saagaram
Sarvadeva namaskaraara keshavam prati-gacchati
Just as every rain drop that falls from the sky flows into the Oean, in the same way every prayer offered to any Deity flows to Lord Krishna.
Prayer to Lord Rama
Raamaya raama bhadraaya, raamchandraaya vedase, raghunaathaya
naathaaya, siitaaya pataye namah.
My salutations to Lord Sri Ram, the protector of all, one who knows all,
the descendent of the Raghu dynasty. the husband of Sita and the Lord of the entire universe.
Shree Raamchandra charanau manasaa smaraami,
Shree Raamchandra charanau vachasaa granaami,
Shree Raamchandra charanau shirasaa namaami
Shree Raamchandra charanau sharnam prapadye
I worship the feet of Sri Ramchandra ji in my mind,
I worship his feet with my speech,
I bow my head to his feet with great reverence,
I surrender myself to his presence.
Prayer to Lord Hanumaan
Manojavam maaruta tulya vegam jitendriyam budhhimataam varishtam
vaataatmajam vaanara yuuthamukhyam shrii raamduutam shirasaa
I salute Hanumaan, who travels as fast as the mind and the wind, who has mastered his sense organs, who is the best among the intelligent, who is the son of the wind God, who is the commander-in-chief of the army of vaanaras, and who is the messenger of Sri Ram.
Atulit baladhaamam hemashailaabhedam Danujvan krishaanum jnaaninaanagraganyam, Sakalaguna nidhaanam vaanaraanaamdheeham, Raghupati priyabhaktam vaatajaatam namaami
I adore Lord Hanuman, the son of Wind-God, who is the abode of
Incomparable strength, whose body shines like a mountain of gold, who is fire unto the forest of demons, who is the chief among the wise, who is the beloved of Bhagvan Rama.

Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhur-Bhuvah-Svah, Tat-Savitur-Varenyam,
Bhargo-Devasya-Dheemahi, Dhiyo-Yo-Nah-Prachodayaata.
Let us meditate upon the glory of Ishwar, who has created this universe,
who is fit to be worshipped, who is the remover of all sins and ignorance.
May He enlighten our intellect.
Peace Invocation
Om saha naavavatu, Saha nau bhunaktu
Saha veeryam karavaavahai
Tejasvinavadhitamastu Ma vidvishavahai
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Om, May Lord protect us, May He cause us to enjoy,
May we exert together,
May our studies be thorough and faithful,
May we never quarrel with each other.
Om Peace Peace Peace
Peace Prayers (1)
Om, Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu; Sarveshaam Shantir Bhavatu;
Sarveshaam Purnam Bhavatu; Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu.
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
May all be auspicious, may all attain peace, let there be fullness and
contentment all over, may all be blessed. Om peace, peace, peace.
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah; Sarve Santu Niraamayaah;
Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu;
Maa Kashchida-Dukha-Bhaag-Bhaveta
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
May everybody be happy. May everybody be free from disease. May
everybody have good luck. May none fall on evil days.
Peace Prayers (2)
Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat
purnamudachyate Purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavashishyate
That is perfect. This is perfect. Out of perfect only perfect comes. Even
after taking perfect out of perfect, that is perfect which remains.
Om, Asato Maa Sad Gamaya;
Tamaso Maa Gyotira Gamaya;
Mrityora Maa Amritam Gamaya
Lead me from the unreal to the real;
from darkness (ignorance) to light (knowledge);
and from death to immortality.
Peace Prayers (3)
Om, Dhyaoh Shaantih, Antariksha Shaantih,
Prithavi Shaantih, Aapah Shaantih, Oshadhyah Shaantih,
Vanaspatyah Shaantih, Vishvedevah Shaantih, Brahma
Shaantih, Sarvam Shaantih, Shaantih Eva Shaantih,
Saa Maa Shaantir-edhi,
Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih
Om. May there be peace in the sky and in space. May there be
peace on land and in the waters. May herbs and food bring us
peace. May all the personifications of God bring us peace. May
God bring us peace. May there be peace throughout the world.
May the peace be peaceful. May God give me such peace.
Peace Prayers (4)
Svasti prajabhyah paripalayanttaam nyaayena maargena mahim mahishaah
Go Brahmanebhyashashubhamastu Nityam, Lokassamastaassukhino
May there be happiness for all people. May the rulers righteously rule the
earth. May there be welfare for animals and men of wisdom at all times.
May all beings be happy.
amokar Mantra
Om Namo Arihantaanam nam, Om namo Sidhhaanam
Om namo Ayarriyaanam, Om namo uvaj-jhaa-yaanam
Om namo loye Savva saahunam
Eso pancha namokaaro savva paava ppanasano
Mangalaanam cha savvesim Padhamam havayee mangalam
Peace Prayers (5)
Om Shanno Mitrah Shm Varunah, Shanno Bhavatvarymaa, Shanna Indro Brihaspatih,
Shanno VishnuRurukramah: Namo Brahmane, Namaste Vaayo, Tvameva Pratyaksham
Brahmasi, Tvameva Pratyaksham Brahma Vadishyami, Ritum Vadishyami,
Tanmamvatu, Tadvaktaramavatu, avatu maam, avatu vaktaram, Om Shantih Shantih
May the Sun God give us auspiciousness. May the Ocean God give us auspiciousness.
May the Lord of Manes give us auspiciousness. May the King of Gods give us
auspiciousness. May the all pervasive sustainer of creation, Lord Vamana give us
auspiciousness. Salutations to the creator. Salutations to you, O Wind God, You indeed
are the perceptible truth. I declare you to be the right understanding. I understand you
to be truthfulness in speech. May he protect me. May he protect the teacher.
Om peace, peace, peace.
Kale Varshatu Parjanyah, Prithivi Ssasya Shalini
Deshoyam Kshobharahitah Brahmanassantu Nirbhayaah.
May the clouds rain at the proper time. May the earth produce grains. May this country
be free from famine. May men of contemplation be fearless.
Saraswati Prarthana
Ya kundendu tusharahara dhavala, Ya shubravastravrita
Ya veena varadanda mandita kara, Ya shvetapadmasana
Ya-Brahma-chyuta-shankar-prabhritibhir, Devayeh-sada-vandita,
Fair as a jasmine flower, the moon or a flake of snow, dressed in white,
Her hands adorned by the graceful veena staff, seated on a white lotus,
Adored by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and the other deities,
Protect me, Oh Goddess Saraswati, remover of ignorance inert.
Shuklam Brahmavichar sar, parmamadyam jagadvyapineem
Veena pustaka Dharaneem bhayadam jadyandhakarapham
haste sphatikmalikaam viddhateem padmasane sansthitaam
vande taam parmeshvareem bhagwateem budhiprada sharadaam
One who is white in complexion, who is the essence of Brahman, one who pervades the
universe, with Veena in one hand and the Vedas in the other, bestower of fearlessness,
and remover of ignorance, with a Mala in her hand, seated on a Lotus, the source of all
intellect, to that Mother Saraswati I bow down .
Prayer at Dawn (1)
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and the nine Grahas: Sun, Moon, Mangal, Buddha, Brihaspati,
Shukra, Shani, Rahu, Ketu, may all these make my morning auspicious
May the Sanatkumars, Sanak, Sanandan, and Sanatan, and Asuri and Pingal, make my
morning auspicious. May the seven Swaras and the seven layers of Mother Earth make
my morning auspicious.
The seven seas, the seven mountains, the seven Rishis, the seven continents, the seven
forests, the seven lokas, may all these make my morning auspicious.
The Earth soaked in Guna of Smell, the Waters in the Guna of Rasa, the Wind in the
Guna of Touch, the Fire in the Guna of Heat and Light, the Sky in the Guna of Sound,
may all these five elements enlighten my intellect.
The one who understands this morning prayer and respectfully recites it will, with the
memory of Ma Bharati in his heart, forever act guided by Dharma true to himself .
Prayer at Dawn (2)
In the early hours of dawn I mediate upon the Essential Self clearly
experiencable in the heart cave, that which is Existence-Knowledge-Bliss
in nature, that which is the Supreme Goal, the Paramhansa State, that
which is the Fourth Plane of consciousness, which constantly illumines all
the experiences in the dream, waking, and deep sleep conditions. I am that
partless Brahman. Not this assemblage of matter envelopments.
Isha-vandana (1)
Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om
Om, Purna-madah, Purna-midam, Purnata, Purna-mudachyate,
Purnasya, Purna-madaya, Purnam-eva-vashishyate. Hari Om.
That is perfect. This is perfect. Out of perfect only perfect comes. Even after taking
perfect out of perfect, that is perfect which remains.
Ishavasyam-idam-sarvam, Yat-kincha-jagatyam-jagat,
Tena-tyak-tena-bhunji-thah, Ma-gridhah-kasyasa-viddhanam
All this whatsoever moves in this universe including the universe, itself moving, is
indwelt or pervaded or enveloped or clothed by the Lord.
That renounced, thou shouldst enjoy. Covet not any body’s wealth
Yam-Brahma-Varunendra-Rudra-Marutah, Stunvanti-divyaye-stavaye,
Vedayeh-sanga-pada-kramo-pani-shadair, Gayanti-yam-samagah.
Salutations to that God whom Brahma, Varuna, Indra, Rudra, and Marut praise with
divine hymns, whom the singers of Sama Veda invoke by the vedas