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Acu - Yoga

Acu-Yoga is combination of knowledge of acupuncture/acupressure and yoga where medically and scientifically modified asanas, pranayam, meditation, special relaxation techniques are advised so as to regulate the vital energy flow in the energy meridian of the affected organ. The concept behind this system is it treats the body as a whole-at Physical, Mental (emotional) and Psychic (spiritual) level and not only the disease.

It is especially effective in the stress related or psychosomatic diseases:

Prevention & reversal of Coronary Heart Diseases.
Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Thyroid Diseases.
Anxiety, Depression, Lack of Sleep, Somnolence
Sex-Problem (Impotency), Schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder   (OCD).
De-addiction - Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs
Chronic Fatigue and Lethargy.

        Pranayama (Nadi shodhan & Ujjai)-
It purifies & revitalizes the body & mind.
It controls mind thus reduces tension, so useful in all stress related
  diseases, e.g., anxiety, depression.
Deep relaxation (Yognidra)-
Conscious suspension of all gross movements of the body.
Relaxation of muscles and reduction of metabolic activity.
Reduces mental stress.
More restful than sleep, direct antidote to psychosomatic maladies.
resulting from stress and anxiety.
It unites body & mind with soul, which is source of eternal energy, so
  increases general level of energy.
Produces alpha waves in brain. Stabilize limbic brain which control
  emotions- anger, fear, hatred.
Controls blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and cholesterol.
Improves sleep.
Helps in de-addiction - Smoking, Alcohol, Coffee, Tea.

 for Guidelines and Workshop of Acu-Yoga.