“Quantum-Touch is a significant breakthrough in hands-on healing… an essential and invaluable skill for every lay person and professional practitioner.” -- Alternative Medicine Magazine
Quantum-Touch is a vibrational touch therapy that incorporates touch, breath work, and body awareness meditations . Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal. The Quantum-Touch healing process involves the practitioner “running energy” into the recipient’s body. Often, practitioners employ a technique that is known as “sandwiching” or “the hand sandwich.” Sandwiching means that the practitioner will use his or her hands to sandwich the part of the recipient’s body that is to be treated.
Quantum - Touch there is two types Touch :
1 : Quantum - Touch for Nurshing .
2 : Quantum - Touch for Massage Therapy .
Quantum - Touch for Nurshing : Quantum-Touch is a powerful, yet easy to learn, method of natural healing (or energy healing). Everyone has the innate ability to help ourselves and others. The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy (or Chi, Bioenergy, Prana) by combining various breathing and energy awareness exercises. QT energy healers learn to amplify and direct the life-force energy, facilitating the body’s own healing process. Our love has more impact than we can imagine; the possibilities are truly extraordinary.
Quntum - Touch for Massage Therapy : Massage therapists can easily integrate Quantum-Touch into their massage practice. During the massage, therapists can use QT techniques to increase the quality of therapeutic touch and to encourage the client to go into deeper states of relaxation, connection, and spiritual healing. Because QT uses a light touch, massage therapists can apply QT to areas where massage work may be contraindicated.
for Guidelines ,Treatment and attending to Quantum-Touch Workshop .