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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms - Are you a sufferer of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) without knowing where it came from or how it came about? Well you are within a large group of victims of IBS, but we are here to arm you with the know-how you need to revert the dreadful symptoms.

use the following acupressure for irritable bowel syndrome:

1 : Use your palm to rub and knead your abdomen in a counterclockwise direction for three minutes. Start at the belly button and gradually move outward.

2 :  Place both palms on your back. Rub down to the sacrum until you have a warm sensation in the abdomen.

3 :  Gently press the following points for one minute:
acupressure for irritable bowel syndrome
  • The point halfway between the belly button and the lower edge of the breastbone (CvI2).
  • The point on two finger-widths below the belly button on the midline of the abdomen (Cv6).
  • The point two thumb-widths from your belly button (navel) on either side (St25).
  • The depression four finger-widths below the kneecap edge and one thumb's-width outside of the shinbone(St36).

 for the Guidelines and Treatment of IBS Syndrome