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Welcome to Healthy Surviving

Treatment Without Medicine with Acupressure , Chakra and Reiki

HealthySurviving is a center for Empowering Growth Through Healing”  at HealtySurviving. we look at 360° growth and empowerment of the individuals. The sole purpose of the Healthylive is to provide relief to the effected thru multiple healing techniques.

At HealthySurviving we have diversity activates which promote awareness in Healing Techniques, Hypnotherapy, Meditations, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Birth into Being, Self-Empowerment & Improvement workshops

We use following therapies : 

                         Hypno Therapy
                         Hypno Brithing                                          
                         Reiki Healing
                         Quantum Touch
                         Chakra Healing
                         Birth into Being

please contact to us for Guidence and Treatment of  your  Health diseases :